Celebration Collage
Hey There Friends :-) !!
Now that we are getting ready to closeout the year 2020, and celebrate the holidays, I decided to write this blog post, and share a little collage of some things I have been up to in the recent past days...
There is this wonderful little old town near to mine called Ferndale, which I sometimes enjoy visiting, and I found out they really make it so festive this time of year, with all their little shops and decorations, and huge Christmas tree at the end of town. Its all very magical and enchanting***
It was fun driving through, taking photos, and capturing a fun little video...
I didn't decorate for the holiday this year, well not really (maybe next year!), but for fun I did deck-up my Buddha statue with lights, bells, and a star hat. So if he wasn't enlightened before, he most definitely is now... haha :D

I did get myself a couple of gifts this year, I said to myself why not treat myself? And so I did :)) Along with a vehicle upgrade, I really enjoyed my Lexus Hybrid, so I traded-in another one, but newer version with much less miles, and it changed from a baby blue to the color of champagne or like a white gold. I'm gonna miss my lucky FOX plate though... and its still a mystery what my new plate is gonna be, hmm...
I also got some cool artistic fairytale like stickers to enhance my new car's rear, exciting eh? hihi :D
And the 2nd present I got myself is an instrument (yet to be disclosed), it hasn't arrived yet, but I am very excited about this! And I look forward to playing around with it, although I am pretty shy to share any songs, which may be compared to a child's ability, probably :D, but its still fun to play! And listen and be inspired by other musical artists too. Just for the joy of it <3!
I had to include a few nature images here of the sky and whatnot, from some local area things throughout this past month...
Oh gosh, I probably could go on and on, so much has been happening this year, but instead I will wrap it up for now, and share a photo and video of me driving into the sunrise, as I took my long two day trip to Sacramento where I bought my new car. It was a very lot of driving,, granted through some beautiful areas and sceneries, which I didn't stop to photo because I wanted to streamline there and back. This was when the sun rose, it made the road glow golden, wow!

So I hope enjoyed this post, thanks for this brief walk with me, and I also hope you have wonderful, fun, and magical celebrations as we close out the year. Enjoy my friend <3 and see you around Blog Magic ;) ...!!